In this article I show you how to improve your search engine rankings using 27 quick search engine optimization tips.
- Increase your site's link popularity by increasing your internal and incoming links.
- Internal links - Cross link all your sites and important pages within each site. This will maximize the Page Rank of all your pages within each web site.
- Incoming links that you control - Create several small web sites related to your main site. Each site should only consist of a few pages. Then cross link them all together using the most important keywords. Don't forget to include links back to the main site.
- Incoming links that you don't control:
- Ask sites that link to your competitors to link to your site. To find out which sites are linking to your competitors, visit a search engine and enter, "link:" followed by the competitors' domain name.
For example:
- Exchange links with sites listed in the same category as yours in the major web directories, such as the Yahoo! Directory and the Open Directory.
- Find sites that accept site submissions. Visit your favorite search engine and search for:
"add url" "your keywords"
Also try searching for the actual submission page using its page name.
For example:
addurl.html, addsite.html, addlink.html, etc.
- Include a TITLE tag as the first META tag, directly after the HEAD tag.
- Try to avoid stop words in your TITLE tag. Stop words (a, an, and, but, he, her, his, i, in, it, of, on, or, she, the, etc.) are common words and characters ignored by some search engines to enhance the speed and relevancy of their search results.
- Include a META DESCRIPTION tag, directly after the TITLE tag. Include the most important keyword phrase for the web page as close to the beginning of the description as possible.
- If you use a META REFRESH tag, make sure it is set to refresh after 30 seconds.
Some search engines consider pages that refresh in less than 30 seconds as spam. I recommend using a JavaScript redirect tag, if you require a quicker page refresh. If the domain you want is unavailable, either try a different extension, such as .NET, .INFO, or .US, or add a keyword to the end (preferential) or beginning of the domain. This procedure also reduces your file size, and therefore your download time. In addition, it allows you to reuse the code on other pages by simply link to the JavaScript file. Both of these techniques will move your important body text nearer to the top of the HTML document. Visit my website pages for helpful time and money-saving tips and tools for your FREE time-saving and money-making Internet Marketing Articles
For example, if the keyword phrase is "search engine rankings," then register:
For example, if an important keyword phrases is, "search engine rankings," name your directory: or...
For example, if the keyword phrase is "search engine rankings," then name the page: search-engine-rankings.html or...
For example:
For example, a search with the keyword "engine" might return results for, "engines," "engineers," and "engineering." If someone searches for the longer version of a word and your page only uses the short version, then your page will be excluded from the list of possible results.
For example: (1st level - excellent) (2nd level - Good) (3rd level - OK) (Too many levels down - search engines will find it difficult to find and index pages this far down)
Follow these instructions to move the JavaScript code to a separate file and link to the file from the HTML document. Then place the following code in between the HEAD section:
Do not confuse link farms and link exchange programs with reciprocal linking. Reciprocal linking is the exchange of links with individual sites, and is certainly an accepted technique for improving your site's link popularity.
search engine optimization needs.
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